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Daniel Cummings

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

"Outstanding": Gunna

Production: Wheezy

Album: Drip or Drown 2

After a stellar 2018, people were expecting big things from Gunna going into the new year, and for many, his hotly anticipated debut album fell a bit flat. Its lead singles did well but blew no-one away, the features were tight but forgettable, and his signature flow that stood out so distinctly on "Yosemite" and "Drip too Hard" now seemed a bit predictable, overdone, and tired out.

I still think it slaps, though.

Whilst I admire Young Thug as an artist and pioneer, his albums are always overwhelmingly inconsistent, and the same can be said of most full-length trap projects of the past 10 years.

Drip or Drown 2 suffers because people don't really know what they want from a trap album.

Its problem is its consistency. All the tracks are 7's. 'Outstanding' might not be outstanding, but it is really good. Wheezy's production sees strong influences from Metro's work on Savage Mode, with orchestral melodies and 808s blended seamlessly, and over the top, Gunna raps with humor without ever sacrificing his laidback flow. The track just works.


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